ponedeljek, 29.sept.


16.00 predstavitev programa in napoved dogodkov MNC
17.00 Dejan Habicht in Franc Purg
18.00 predstavitev razstave MNC Z.Badovinac in B.Piškur /ponovitev
19.00 tematski razgovor CERKEV KOT JAVNI PROSTOR* vodi Aleš Črnič; sogovorniki: Zora Stančič, dr.Darko Štrajn
20.15 delimo si program  – radio Free Palestina**
22.00 – izklop

*Cerkev kot javni prostor
Dileme o položaju in vlogi religije med javnim in zasebnim se v sodobnemzahodnem svetu ne zmanjšujejo, prej nasprotno. V post-razsvetljenskih družbah je religija stvar zasebnosti, hkrati pa ohranja tudi svoje mesto v javnem prostoru. Religijski objekti delujejo kot javni prostori, pa vendar
niso podvrženi enakim pravilom, kot veljajo za druge prostore javnega. Je moč v cerkvi ali pred njo izvesti umetniško akcijo ali politični protest? Kaj pa anonimno družboslovno raziskavo?

** radio Free Palestina – part 1
– 18 hour radio broadcast on 60 years of Palestinian dispossession.
Na radiuCona boste v prvem delu poslušali prvi dve uri projekta.
60 years later, Israel continues to occupy and colonize Palestinian land through the construction of Jewish only settlements and the Wall in the West Bank. The Gaza Strip has been turned into one large prison. Israel violates international law and commits ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity. And Palestinians abroad are the world’s oldest refugee population, making-up more than one fourth of all refugees.

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  • By podcast03-public space « radioCona on October 17, 2008 at 10:24

    […] RADIJSKE FREKVENCE – JAVNI PROSTOR? radio frequencies – public space?/ an initiative for free-access frequency band* Mojca Planšak/So0gledi/CMFE, Tomaž Zaniuk /radio Študent, Irena Pivka in Brane Zorman […]

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  • radioCona:StoryscapesSE

    FM sound art exhibition, live from Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Sat 18 - Thur 23 Jan 2020, each day 6.33PM - 11.30PM (CET / UTC+1)
    direct stream link:

    Live StreamLIVE STREAM

  • radioCona, produced by CONA, launched in 2008, is a platform that uses the radio frequency space in art contexts. FM frequency is understood as public space, explored from different perspectives and mediated through artworks audiobooks, programming and exhibitions. radioCona is intervention into public space.