sreda, 1.okt.

radio frequencies – public space? + APEL

16.00 delimo si program radio stanicamir*
17.10 DIALOG Dejan Habich in Franc Purg
18.00 delimo si program; nekdanji RGL:pogovor Majda Juvan
18.25 APEL za prosto dostopno radijsko frekvenco an initiative for a free-access frequency band
18.30 pogovor mag. Miha Krišelj APEK
19.15 tematski razgovor RADIJSKE FREKVENCE – JAVNI PROSTOR?** radio frequencies – public space?/ an initiative for free-access frequency band* Mojca Planšak/So0gledi/CMFE, Tomaž Zaniuk /radio Študent, Irena Pivka in Brane Zorman
20.15 free radio discussion Zagreb***
22.00 izklop

*radio stanicamir;
Bruno Viana – 15min
Cory Doctorow – 26min
Starwreck Studios – 18min

**Predlagamo, da se vzpostavi in zagotovi radijsko frekvenčno območje na nacionalnem nivoju, ki je ne zaseda medij kot fizično telo, temveč je na razpolago začasnim javnim projektom ali iniciativam, ki za svojo realizacijo potrebujejo radijsko frekvenco.

*We propose that a frequency band be allocated on a national level, not to any one particular medium, butavailable to temporary public projects that require a radio frequency for its realization

***FreeRadioDisscussionZagreb, dolžina: 115 minut

okrogla miza o svobodnih in neprofitnih radijih v evropi.
okrogla miza se je dogodila v zagrebu v klubu hrvaških novinarjev 9 januarja 2008.
Sodelvali so: HELMUT PEISSL, ALEX ROBIN in VINCENT DELPECH (kot predstavniki Community media forum europe)
pogovor in diskusija sta potekala v angleškem jeziku. predvajali bomo celoten posnetek v dolžini 115 minut
posnetek pogovora je objavljen na internetni strani: oz na strani v podkategoriji Open Source Audio, posnetek je prispeval Kruno Jošt ( in je ojavljen pod Creative Commons license: Public Domain.
Putujući slobodni radio – stanica mir (hrvaška)
projekt vodi: Kruno Jošt in ekipa.

posnetki pogovorov so nastali lansko leto na različnih lokacijah gostovanja in oddajanja na Hrvaškem, nahajajo se kot brezplačni podcasti objavljeni na internetni stran:

posnetki pogovorov projekta PutujuĆi slobodni radio @iSummit v Dubrovniku, 2007

Cory Doctorow is a Canadian blogger, journalist and science fiction author who serves as co-editor of the blog Boing Boing. He is an activist in favor of liberalizing copyright laws and a proponent of the Creative Commons organization, using some of their licenses for his books. Some common themes of his work include digital rights management, file sharing, Disney, and post-scarcity economics.
dolžina: 26 minut

Bruno Viana
In this talk with Bruno Viana at the iSummit in Dubrovnik, the first Brazilian movie producer to release his complete feature film, Cafuné, under creative commons, reflects on a remix of his own film that was shown at the event, the future of movie making and how the producer will be abble to interact with his audinece making each viewing experience unique, talks about free software and also about how education is changing in our world and the role played by Pirate University. dolžina: 15 minu

stawreck studios

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  • radioCona:StoryscapesSE

    FM sound art exhibition, live from Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Sat 18 - Thur 23 Jan 2020, each day 6.33PM - 11.30PM (CET / UTC+1)
    direct stream link:

    Live StreamLIVE STREAM

  • radioCona, produced by CONA, launched in 2008, is a platform that uses the radio frequency space in art contexts. FM frequency is understood as public space, explored from different perspectives and mediated through artworks audiobooks, programming and exhibitions. radioCona is intervention into public space.