« Radio Arts Space: exhibition summary

Robert Sakrowski

Robert Sakrowski / Akustično popotovanje po YouTubu / An Acoustic Journey Through YouTube

Kot značka je spletno mesto CuratingYouTube.net prispodoba za raziskovanje fenomena Spleta 2.0 (Web 2.0), in sicer na primeru spletnega portala za deljenje videoposnetkov YouTube. Različni pristopi in gledišča do omenjenega fenomena, omogočajo spletnemu mestu CuratingYouTube.net, da se na njem nahaja veliko raznolikih projektov. Na podlagi predpostavke, da sta se medmrežje in realni svet združila do te mere, da več ni mogoče potegniti ločnice med virtualnim svetom in realnim življenjem, bi lahko trdili, da je delo v medmrežju hkrati tudi obdelava medmrežja in posledično tudi realnega življenja. Kuratorstvo pomeni izbiro, da razstavimo in ohranimo.

As a label CuratingYouTube.net stands for the exploration of the Web 2.0 phenomena on the example of the online video-sharing portal, YouTube. Approaching the phenomena from different angles and views, CuratingYoutube.net comprises of a variety of projects. Based on the assumption that the fusion of the net and real life has progressed to an extent where there is no difference between the virtual and real life, one could say, that work in the net is also work on the net and therefore real life. Curating means choosing to be exhibited and preserved.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011, 8:30 p. m

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  • radioCona:StoryscapesSE

    FM sound art exhibition, live from Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Sat 18 - Thur 23 Jan 2020, each day 6.33PM - 11.30PM (CET / UTC+1)
    direct stream link:

    Live StreamLIVE STREAM

  • radioCona, produced by CONA, launched in 2008, is a platform that uses the radio frequency space in art contexts. FM frequency is understood as public space, explored from different perspectives and mediated through artworks audiobooks, programming and exhibitions. radioCona is intervention into public space.