Response Sound Maps/Walks (Odzivna Mesta) exhibition by radioCona will be hosted in G12HUB Gallery, Karađorđeva 59, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia.
The opening of the exhibition will take place on Friday, Feb 22, 2013 at 8.00pm local time and will be available to explore till Feb 28, 2013.
Programme related to the exhibition:
On Thursday, Feb 28, 2013 @ 6.00pm Manja Ristič (organizer of the hosting exhibition) will lead Mikrob Sound Walk around its Belgrade locations. Street walk will be followed by a Response Sound Maps/Walks (Odzivna Mesta) presentation and public discussion at 9.30pm in the G12HUB Gallery.
Response Sound Maps/Walks – Exhibition in Belgrade is part of a NOFM.RS festival organized by NOFM and Auropolis Association of multimedia artists, Belgrade.
If in town we encourage you to take a walk!