On the night from Tuesday to Wednesday (12/13 May) at 2:00 in the morning radioCona will present one hour long podcast on CoLaboRadio radio network in Berlin and Potsdam Podcast aired deliveries a sound clip that was produced, recorded on the roof of a KSEVT, Vitanje, and worldwide streamed in the context of international cooperation and broadcasting in the Soundcamp / Reveil project on May 3, 2015.
Soundcamp / Reveil is a project tracking the sounds of daybreak travelling West from microphone to microphone around the globe. On 3 May, 2015, radioCona team (Brane Zorman, Marko Trstenjak, Irena Pivka and Jasmina Založnik) broadcasted from 5:10 and 6:00 from Vitanje to wordlwide network of broadcasters and artists.
CoLaboRadio program 12/13 Maj 2015
Stream link