47 (8)>(7) textual fragments …

Friday, 9 December 2011, Radio Arts Space, Petra Kapš, performative writer

47 (8)>(7) tekstualnih fragmentov za Radio Art Space; osebni računalnik, pisalni stroj, nalivno pero ( … posvečeno Friedrichu A.Kittlerju ter njegovim esejem Gramofon Film Pisalni stroj)

Akt pisanja v živo kot in-situ procesiranje poslušanju namenjenih  umetniških del ter nastopov v živo.

piska v živo, trajanje: 12:00-18:00

47 (8)>(7) textual fragments for Radio Art Space a personal computer,  a typewriter, a fountain pen (… Hommage to Friedrich A. Kittler and  his Gramophone Film Typewriter)

The act of live writing as an in-situ processing of art works
originally intended for listening and live performance.

performative writer, duration: 12:00-18:00

work for on line/on air/on situ exhibiton Radio Arts Space
author Petra Kapš
production CONA, radioCona, 2011

  • radioCona:StoryscapesSE

    FM sound art exhibition, live from Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Sat 18 - Thur 23 Jan 2020, each day 6.33PM - 11.30PM (CET / UTC+1)
    direct stream link:

    Live StreamLIVE STREAM

  • radioCona, produced by CONA, launched in 2008, is a platform that uses the radio frequency space in art contexts. FM frequency is understood as public space, explored from different perspectives and mediated through artworks audiobooks, programming and exhibitions. radioCona is intervention into public space.