Category Archives:či.ti

Colin Black: Soundprints: A Likeness of Ljubljana

Wednesday, 4.June 2014, at 22:05 Glasni novi svet – Zvočnost Ljubljane ARS – 3 program radia Slovenia Soundprints:  A Likenesses of Ljubljana is the fourth in a series of major works where Black continues his artistic process of building a multi-faceted intimate aural geography in which the human imprint is present. Constructed from audio recordings made during the […]

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  • radioCona:StoryscapesSE

    FM sound art exhibition, live from Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Sat 18 - Thur 23 Jan 2020, each day 6.33PM - 11.30PM (CET / UTC+1)
    direct stream link:

    Live StreamLIVE STREAM

  • radioCona, produced by CONA, launched in 2008, is a platform that uses the radio frequency space in art contexts. FM frequency is understood as public space, explored from different perspectives and mediated through artworks audiobooks, programming and exhibitions. radioCona is intervention into public space.