Chantal Dumas 86400 Seconds – Time Zones 50:00
Christopher DeLaurenti To The Cooling Tower, Satsop 44:05
Jay Needham Listening at the Border 22:31
Anna Friz Collecting Clocks and Losing Time 43:58
Novi_sad Neuroplanets 10.21
programme broadcast (pdf)
Eric Leonardson, president of WFAE. New CONA’s partnership with acoustic ecology organisations network, World Forum For Acoustic Ecology.
selector statement
I selected five works dedicated to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, and its audible manifestation in rich metaphors that spring forth when we listen in the dark. By withdrawing from the rhythms of daylight, we are drawn to the deeper, more primal nature of our soundscape. The elemental forces of Earth and its orbiting satellites are extant at magnitudes far beyond the human scale of sensation. Our comprehension of them requires hearing sounds from our world presented in unexpected ways that create imaginary spaces and open our imaginations to their actual, immeasurable power and scale.