Sunday, 11th February from 6:28 PM / link to work description
Daniel Premec It is time for alert
radioCona APEL
Saška Rakef Krhanje lepote (radio play)
Irena Pivka TM11 hall mapping
Anna Friz & Maja Osojnik Trans Local
Jeff Kolar GSM Buzz
Brane Zorman & Irena Pivka Field Frequency Flux
Anna Friz & Konrad Korabiewski Trilogy for Night and Radio
Saša Spačal (Agapea) Tides
Andraž Magajna U cik zore
Robertina Šebjanič Black Drops / Of Dripping
OR poiesis Aural Memory, Time Vortex_Flux
Monday, 12th February from 6:29 PM / link to work description
Ali Bramwell & Alenka Pirman Recreational bureaucracy: Amateur surveillance
Jasmina Založnik & Špela Drnovšek (Pre)drzno branje [Bold(Dolt) Reading]
Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman, Jasmina Založnik Food market FM
Ronald Panza & Mili Sefić Fountains, Phantoms
Marko Batista Untitled: Element.14
Kikiriki Swarm
Vasja Progar Sub consciousness
Brane Zorman ERDE unter Berlin [Earth under Berlin]
Boštjan Perovšek Murmuring of Streams
Amper-o-mat DMT1510
Saša Spačal (Agapea) Cycles
Anna Friz & Brane Zorman 4 Channel Improvisation on Two FM Frequencies repeat broadcast of performance from 2015 radioCona 88.8 MHz & Radio Študent 89.3 MHz – at 11PM
Tuesday, 13th February from 6:30 PM / link to work description
Jasmina Založnik, Irena Pivka, Brane Zorman Zapleši tudi ti [You Dance as Well]
Brane Zorman, Irena Pivka, Jasmina Založnik and participants wolFMoon howling
Maria Papadomanolaki To begin is to follow on from
Kathy Kennedy Hmmm …
Pre:gon zime [Winter Exor:cism]
Central full evening sound art event at the tenth anniversary of radioCona with selected local female and male sound artist
8:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Kino Šiška, Komuna Hall retransmission on radioCona 88.8MHz and Radio Študent 89.3 MHz
Vasja Progar Študija RFI
Jan Turk & Marko Batista Cave astronauts
Wednesday, 14th February from 6:31 PM / link to work description
Irena Pivka Street mapping
Irena Pivka Arsenal depo mapping
Volkmar Klien Zeugnisse vergangener lebensformen
Marko Batista Night after night
Udo Noll Maribor maps
OR poiesis Ear in the Gardens of Silence, Side Streets
Brane Zorman Hidden materia
Anna Friz White night
Brane Zorman & Maja Smrekar Wolf howling
Igor Štromajer 3¦×Fń–Qé3 = Mià†
Thursday, 15th February from 6:32 PM / link to work description
Dejan Srhoj Sekvenca Labodje jezero
Gregor Kamnikar in Ryuzo Fukuhara Jutranji preteg
beepblip AM_on_FM & sine_wave
Simon Macuh Sprehodi za čuječnost
Andrej Hrvatin No wolf, just wind and void!
Robertina Šebjanič Eleonore reminiscence
OR poiesis Transluce, Moonlight Into a Porcelain Cup
Brane Zorman It’s in my nature
Anna Friz Whale radio
Jeff Kolar Remote control
Pre:gon zime sound event – repetiton